Prepping for travel over the upcoming holidays

Posted on: Mon, 11/04/2019 - 2:52pm
MillieM's picture
Joined: 08/08/2019 - 15:25

There's a lot of travel coming up with the holidays coming up and I would love to know how everyone preps for their travel in terms of trying to get through airports, flights and being out of town with anxiety and panic. The thought of it all gives me anxiety but I am trying to remain really calm about it, well as calm as can be. What I usually do to prep for my travel is get all of my prescriptions filled so that I have enough on hand while I'm traveling. The last thing that I want to happen is run out of my prescription when I am out of town. Then I make sure that I have good TV shows and movies downloaded on my laptop for the long flights. I keep it all very lighthearted. I've laughed out loud a lot on flights, but I'd rather laugh than have intense anxiety or panic. And laughter for me makes all of the travel anxiety melt off and away. Also, I make sure that I have guided meditations downloaded on my phone so when I turn airplane mode on I am able to listen before the plane takes off. These are the main things that I do before I travel and this is what has helped me thus far but I am always looking for more tips and things that work for all of you. Thanks!

Posted on: Wed, 11/06/2019 - 11:57am
JustJules's picture
Joined: 08/09/2019 - 09:13

Hi Millie, those are great tips. One mistake I've made in the past is forgetting to make sure that I have enough of my prescription before traveling. I was out of the country and couldn't get my prescription filled. It was a nightmare. I had to learn the hard way so now as soon as I book, I make sure that it's at the top of my to-do list. I usually watch movies on my tablet but I now want to download guided meditation so that I can feel as relaxed as possible before take-off. The hardest part for me is when everyone is boarding. The plane feels so packed, I start to feel clausterphobic. So meditating is a good way to distract my mind during that time.

Posted on: Tue, 11/12/2019 - 5:49pm
digby's picture
Joined: 08/09/2019 - 15:38

I don't travel for the holidays but when I do travel I make sure that my iPad is packed with my favorite TV shows and I'll download a movie that I've been wanting to see. This gets my mind off of everything.

Posted on: Tue, 11/19/2019 - 1:09pm
bali bae's picture
Joined: 08/12/2019 - 12:02

Unfortunately, I have to travel over the holidays which I am not the biggest fan of because it's always more chaotic with so many more people traveling. And the holidays tend to be more stressful overall with having to get gifts for everyone and having lots of family and friend obligations. This time of year is just tough. I am trying to take it one step at a time. I take Ativan for flying. It's not something that I take daily but my doctor gives it to me for travels because I get too stressed out and my anxiety goes into overdrive.

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