i woke up this morning and out of the gate my anxiety was bad. all weekend i was fine but this morning it was not good at all. i tried everything and it would help subside it for a bit but then it would come flooding back in. i went into my closet where my family couldn't hear me and i cried really hard. what i realized is that i had a lot of pent up emotions that i wasn't letting out and my psychiatrist warned me about that. stuff that i think is fine really isn't fine. after a long hard cry and some breathing exercises i felt better. so far so good. i am hoping that it sticks today.
hey jules, that's interesting. i'm wondering if that's what's going on with me. am i holding a lot of stuff about my dad and other stresses in so that's making my anxiety bad. could that be it? i've cried about my dad alone but not a lot and most days i try to convince myself that i'm fine but i know i'm not. i'm going to give your method a try and see if that helps.
it could be. i swear every time i feel overly anxious i now look to what i could be suppressing and try to tackle that rather than think i have anxiety just because. i've done this several times now and it really helps subside my anxiety. also, i try to talk to my therapist when i'm feeling a lot of anxiety so that i get everything out that i am feeling. but the quick, cheap, and easy way for me is to go to my closet away from everything and everyone and i write everything out on sheets of paper, sometimes i do this crying because there's a lot that i need to get out. my therapist told me to do this and it helps a ton. then i tear the papers up and toss them out.