
Several factors can trigger anxiety and panic attacks, from stress to medical-related elements. Learn more about the different causes of anxiety on this site. strives to provide you with a comprehensive guide to stress-related topics, such as internalized anger, post-traumatic stress disorder, and behavioral issues. Knowing the causes of anxiety can help reduce your risk of developing an anxiety disorder.

This is a topic I have wanted to touch on for a long time. There are so many people that deal

Children with difficulty breathing in their sleep—evidenced by snoring, mouth-breathing, or

Controlling stress and anxiety could lead to a reduction in the number of hot or cold flashes.

Stressful life events are difficult for everyone, but they can be especially hard on those who

Whether being on Facebook makes you anxious depends on your temperament, age, how much time you

Perceived threats trigger the 'fight or flight' response—that sequential process that prepares

A team of scientists from UCLA has concluded a study in rats that suggests that trauma to the

One problem that anxiety can cause is head pressure. It is not a symptom discussed as often as

Anxiety attacks, also known as panic attacks, are intense feelings of fear or stress that appear

People with an excess of MeCP2 protein experience anxiety and a range of other behavioral issues

Panic is real, and panic disorder is considered to be an illness. A panic attack is very painful

A study from Deakin University that looked at 3,000 Australian adolescents has revealed that

For many people, feelings of stress lead to periods of eating high-calorie and high-fat comfort

It is true that what we eat affects our mood but also true that our mood affects how our food is

Sometimes emotional distress, such as anxiety, can lead to difficulty swallowing or the fear of