How To Naturally Treat Social Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety disorder (SAD) can be a crippling condition that keeps you from living your life, but sometimes the prescription anxiety medication used to reduce your anxiety has serious side effects. Treating social anxiety naturally is a simple and holistic way to overcome your disorder.


As is the case with other anxiety disorders, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy is often the best method for treating and curing the problem. Therapists give their patients tools for coping with their anxiety as well as techniques to change their thinking patterns in the future. Changing initial beliefs and thoughts helps the patient overcome his or her anxiety.

Lifestyle Change

Engaging in risky or unhealthy lifestyle behaviors can sometimes promote further social anxiety. By exercising regularly, eating healthy, and eliminating drug and alcohol use, you’ll find your anxiety lifting naturally.

Practice Meditation

Deep breathing and meditation can work as both a short and long-term solution to controlling anxiety. Before putting yourself in a situation you believe may make you anxious, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Visualize yourself overcoming whatever it is that makes you fearful. Photo: Pexels

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