How to Handle Anxiety Day-To-Day

If it seems nearly impossible to get something off your mind, your anxiety might be out of control. Getting a handle on your anxiety will allow you to live as normally as possible. Sometimes using an unexpected approach is the most effective; here are a few methods to try.

Face Your Anxiety

Sometimes, going through what makes you anxious or stressed is the best relief. When someone has a fear of heights they may purposely force themselves to ride a Ferris wheel. At first, their anxiety will probably go through the roof, they may even experience a panic attack. Yet after so many times around, the nervous feeling dissipates. Force whatever it is buried in your anxious mind to the surface now, while you’re prepared with an appropriate response, and attempt to change the outcome. You may find out the fear is irrational after all.

Laugh at It

Try to disconnect from the anxious thoughts in your head. Pretend you’re watching a movie and visualize a happy ending; you’re in control of your thoughts. Whatever it is you’re worrying about has probably never happened, and it probably won’t now. Look at the situation as if it were temporary; whatever is stressing you now will ease up eventually.

Give it Time

When you feel an anxious thought coming up, ask yourself: will this matter tomorrow? In a week? In a year? Even if you think it might, put the concern aside. Give yourself a designated time slot later in the day to address your worries, and leave it alone until then. You may find yourself wondering what it even was you were stressing over.


The harder you try to control outside variables, the more anxious you will become. Try breathing exercises to relax, and imagine yourself flowing with the current instead of swimming against it. If you cannot change the situation causing you anxiety it, learn to accept it.

Source: Real Simple, WebMD
Photo by José Carlos Chero from Pexels

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