Common Causes of Anxiety Palpitations

Anxiety palpitations may be felt accompanying emotions such as excitement, stress, anxiety or fright. Normally a person is not aware of the beating of the heart, but with anxiety or put under stress, or being scared, a person may become aware of his or her own heartbeat and anxiety palpitations.

Some common causes of anxiety palpitations are:

  • Anxiety
  • Some Antidepressant Medications
  • Strong Emotions
  • Fear

What do anxiety palpitations feel like?

  • A Racing Heart
  • Skipping Beats
  • Jumping Around Heart
  • Beating/Pounding
  • Fluttering
  • The heart feels as if it is stopping
  • A Flopping sensation in the chest

Other associated symptoms that may be felt while having anxiety palpitations include:

  • Tightness in the chest
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Blackouts

If there is no medical cause, here are some ways to avoid anxiety palpitations:

  • Change your diet
  • Try to avoid caffeine and cigarettes
  • Avoid Diet pills
  • Learn how to relax

What are some of the medical conditions associated with anxiety palpitations?

  • Abnormalities in the heart valves
  • Defects in the electrical system of the heart
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Low red blood cell count

It is very important to know that if you suffer from any of the above-listed symptoms associated with anxiety palpations, it should be taken seriously. You must talk with your health care provider to determine if the palpations are being caused by Anxiety or another medical condition.

Prevention of palpations, if caused by anxiety, may be controlled with anxiety medication. Further down on this page, I have provided a list of websites that have a lot of information on Anxiety. They can be very helpful and direct you to helpful resources.

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