Your Home Might Be Causing Your Anxiety: How to Make it More Relaxing

There are several ways right in your home to lift your spirits, reduce anxiety, and invite more restful sleep. Based on my own experiences and hearing other peoples stories of ways they reduced their anxieties inspired me to write this article. I implement these ideas in my own life to reduce my own stresses and prevent any unwanted anxiety.

Simply re-arranging furniture in any room in your house, or painting the walls certain colors can invite peace, comfort, and enjoyment. Utilizing space, ridding yourself of extra stuff around the house you don’t need, and making things more accessible reduces time and stressful situations.

Implementing my tips into your schedule of life will help reduce anxiety and depression. Vision, senses, and feeling, play a big roll in anxiety ridden thoughts. Changing your view of things, and promoting simple steps for yourself can make you feel less tired, and anxious, and give you less time to worry and more time to relax.

In The Bedroom

I find by rearranging the bedroom at least twice a month can promote more restful sleep, and create a sense of relaxation. Waking up and seeing the same thing every day can be depression and boring. Just arranging your bed at a different angle for you to see a different view out your bedroom window can help you to feel better.

Changing the theme of your comforter and bed sheets at least once a month can make your bed more inviting and help to give you a more relaxing night sleep. A big NO NO is to have a T. V. in the bedroom. Just watching the news can be stressful, and can bring on anxious thoughts. Not to mention you will be more tempted to stay up longer when you should be getting at least seven hours of sleep.

Never go over bills, think about bills, or talk about stressful situations in the bedroom. The bedroom is for relaxation, peace, and comfort.

If you are one of those people who set your clock alarm 25 minutes before the time you actually want to get up and keep hitting the snooze button, STOP. It is better to sleep that extra 25 minutes without interruptions, then to keep losing sleep by hitting the snooze button every few seconds.

Don’t settle for white. I have a few colors of choice for the bedroom that will help your mind and eyes to relax. White is boring and bland. Picking light, to medium colors is easy on the eyes, and brings on a sense of spirituality. Which will promote relaxation, and comfort. Here are some colors that are sure to set the mood and rid some anxiety in the bedroom.

Relaxing Colors

  • Light Purple
  • Yellow
  • Light Green
  • Spanish Chestnut
  • Light Brown
  • Light Blue
  • Light Pink

In The Kitchen

If you’re a busy mom or dad, or neither of these, and you are looking for ideas to make cooking less stressful, there are some simple things you can do in the kitchen to save time, stress, anxiety and mess.

When arranging things in the kitchen make sure to keep all cooking utensils, spices, wrapping material, pots and pans, and any other cooking necessities in close reach. Running around the kitchen hunting and rummaging around for things you need to prepare a meal is not only tiresome but very stressful and unenjoyable.

Install an under the cabinet radio to lift your spirits, and sing while you work!

If you have children try to keep them and toys out of the kitchen area and out of the way. There is nothing more stressful then tripping over a toy truck while carrying a hot pan to the sink to drain. If you would like your kids to join in and be a part of cooking give them a few small easy tasks according to their age and then finish the rest on your own.

For example: if I'm making spaghetti for dinner my kids have fun putting the noodles in the pan. Or another fun thing they like to do is clean off the ears of corn for me. This teaches them basic cooking skills and involves them, but in the meantime keeps my stresses at bay.

Try to avoid as many dishes as possible. Use disposable plastic cups and heavy duty plates. Investing in these items is a little bit more money, but it is worth it in the end. It will save you time, and energy, and give you more time to do other things, like relax.

Invest in a crock pot. There are many delicious meals you can make with a crock pot. You simply put the ingredients in and you are done. Prepare a meal in the morning, and then let it simmer all day for a stressless dinner. A quick, easy good meal in no time at all.

Get rid of anything you don’t really need. The less you have to dust, walk around, or move the less stressful your home will be. I’m not saying to throw out everything, but anything you haven’t used in at least a year, you probably don’t really need.

In The Bathroom

Creating a space in your bathroom for candles, bubble bath, bath pillow, and whatever else you use for your own spa is a must. A candlelit bath is a huge stress reliever, whether you are a man or a woman. Water is like therapy, taking away achy leg pain, feet pain, back pain, and headaches.

When you are ready to clean the bathroom to make things easier, purchase a bucket and put all your bathroom cleaning supplies in the bucket. So you have everything you need to clean without stopping what you are doing to go grab something you forgot. You should have in your bucket, window cleaner and paper towels for mirrors, toilet cleaner and toilet brush, a cleaning rag, and bathtub cleaner. I have found Comet in the spray bottle to be the best. All you do is spray, soak for a few minutes and scum just wipes off.

When you are finished restock your bucket, and put it away. Then you are all set for the next cleaning day.

If you implement small things to save time in each room of your home you will find that your home can be easy to clean, more relaxing, and less stressful.

Photo by Leandro Vendramini from Pexels

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