Four Types Of Fatigue Caused By Anxiety

There are side effects to anxiety that we all experience, I call them the aftermath of a stressful and anxiety-ridden period. This aftermath usually comes in the form of fatigue and I have summarized the four types of fatigue below along with a few tips on how to help alleviate the fatigue.

First Type of Fatigue: Muscular

Muscular fatigue is caused by excessive stress and anxiety. When you are stressed oxygen your muscles do not get enough oxygen and blood flow; therefore, this starts to cause aches and pains as if you had a strenuous workout. You can ease this muscle fatigue with an Epsom salt bath, deep tissue massage, and stretching. And although your muscles may feel fatigued and achy, a nice walk outdoors will help the blood flow to your muscles and ease the tension.

Second Type of Fatigue: Emotional

People who do not suffer from anxiety may feel this when they are in a bad relationship or are under financial stress. People who are subjected to anxiety feel constant fear and tension which can cause this type of fatigue and worsen your symptoms. When going through a stressful period, your emotions tend to go on a roller coaster ride and once you are off the ride, you feel emotionally drained. There are ways to help you through this fatigue, such as focusing totally on yourself by carving out time to do something positive for yourself daily. Whether you buy yourself an enjoyable treat to have after work while you watch your favorite TV show or take some time to meditate and do yoga. As well, spending time outdoors always lifts the spirits. Make sure that you surround yourself with positive and supportive people during this time.

Third Type of Fatigue: Mental

Most who do not suffer from anxiety would feel this fatigue in a situation at work or when a very important task needs to be achieved. A student who just completed their final exams might complain of this fatigue whereas an anxious person may have this level of fatigue with everyday situations. A nervous person's mind may constantly exaggerate everything. Eventually, becoming over-powered by one's own thoughts. This type of fatigue can be helped by giving yourself a total mental break by doing things that take your mind off of anything that causes mental stress and anxiety. Meditation is always a fantastic way to clear and re-set your mid. Also, spending time having fun with family and friends can quickly take your mind off of things that are mentally wearing you down. Make sure that you step away from whatever it is that is causing you this stress so that you can re-set and rejuvenate your mind.

Fourth Type of Fatigue: Spirit

An anxious person may feel opposed to the point where they just don't believe and begin to lose faith, that they will ever feel better, or be in control again. Soon, every thought will be an effort. Simply put, you begin to think negatively that you will gain strength to get better. A wonderful way to turn this energy around is to write in a gratitude journal daily. In my most hopeless moments, I was able to turn my energy around by reciting and writing what I was grateful for, as this would truly give me perspective. Then, by reciting and writing things that I hoped for, this would truly give me hope.

Photo: Pixabay

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