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Living With Anxiety

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Getting around town during peak traffic hours can bring stress to even the most relaxed of us,

Sometimes it seems that life would be easier without emotions. It’s true, we would not have to

Everyone has concerns in life. Sometimes these concerns become overwhelming and we can become

A new series of studies and experiments by the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of

People with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) may experience heightened levels of anger, and

Findings by researchers from Michigan State University adds to the growing evidence that links a

Children with difficulty breathing in their sleep—evidenced by snoring, mouth-breathing, or

A team of scientists from UCLA has concluded a study in rats that suggests that trauma to the

Stressed? Perhaps you don't have enough salt in your diet. In a new study, researchers at the

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It was a scene in a movie: A woman was holding onto a box of chocolates. She hadn’t devoured chocolates to mask her emotional pain for a few years...

We are aware of which foods to avoid when struggling with generalized anxiety disorder, but knowing which items can actually help reduce your...

Although there is no magic wand to wave and dispel chronic anxiety, we can do our best to avoid habits that make anxiety worse.


Living with anxiety is no easy task; being able to reduce and control your anxiety makes handling the disorder easier. Whether or not the...

Children with social phobias are more likely to be judged as less attractive by their peers than those without anxiety disorders, according to a...

Whether being on Facebook makes you anxious depends on your temperament, age, how much time you spend there, and your purpose for being on the...

There’s no sure way of preventing generalized anxiety disorder, but there are certain steps you can take to keep your anxiety disorder from...

Advil is one of several marketing brand names for the widely used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) commonly known as ibuprofen.


Hoarding is the behavior of acquiring an excessive number of items that have little or no value. While many people consider themselves to be "pack...

How should Wellbutrin be used?

Wellbutrin is an oral antidepressant medication. Wellbutrin is used to treat the major depressive disorder...

Supervisors who demean, insult, or otherwise abuse their employees may simply not be getting enough exercise. A new study from Northern Illinois...

Acupuncture, a procedure that originated thousands of years ago in China, is becoming an increasingly common choice for treating anxiety and...

If you reach adolescence or adulthood with little or no self-confidence, what do you do? Faking it (confidence) until you make it is a stretch for...

Controlling anxiety is never an easy thing to do. Some suffering from an anxiety disorder chooses to take medication to ease their symptoms.


The latest research into the therapeutic possibilities of hallucinogenic mushrooms adds more weight to the argument that psilocybin, when taken in...

Psychological problems associated with nausea and vomiting include anxiety nausea. Nausea and vomiting are, in most cases, harmless....

If you've been feeling ill, it would not be unreasonable to also be experiencing feelings of anxiety and depression. A number of past studies have...

Here comes that dreaded feeling of overwhelm.

It is not just that you have a lot to do. In fact, you may not have that much to do, but your...

You heard a rumor of more layoffs at work, have not met your monthly quota, and are finishing up an important presentation at the last minute. You...

Specific phobias are the most common type of anxiety disorder that is defined as an irrational fear of or aversion to a situation or specific...

Seroquel is an atypical antipsychotic drug approved to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, but it is increasingly being prescribed off-label...

Benzodiazepines are a generally well-tolerated class of psychoactive drugs commonly used to treat anxiety disorders. While they are considered to...

Much of our anxiety rests on assumptions that we have made. We assume the worst possible scenario will come true. We assume we know what others...

Social anxiety disorder, sometimes also called social phobia, is characterized by overwhelming anxiety and self-consciousness in normal social...

The University of Central Florida newspaper published an article about an interesting clinical trial at the UCF Anxiety Disorders Clinic in the...

Anxiety can be so overwhelming that it is easy to forget that there are things you can actively do to combat it. One simple technique that many...