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Living With Anxiety

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Getting around town during peak traffic hours can bring stress to even the most relaxed of us,

Sometimes it seems that life would be easier without emotions. It’s true, we would not have to

Everyone has concerns in life. Sometimes these concerns become overwhelming and we can become

A new series of studies and experiments by the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of

People with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) may experience heightened levels of anger, and

Findings by researchers from Michigan State University adds to the growing evidence that links a

Children with difficulty breathing in their sleep—evidenced by snoring, mouth-breathing, or

A team of scientists from UCLA has concluded a study in rats that suggests that trauma to the

Stressed? Perhaps you don't have enough salt in your diet. In a new study, researchers at the

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When it comes to treating anxiety disorders, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has proven to be quite effective. CBT focuses on treating anxiety...

Lexapro is an SSRI antidepressant that is FDA approved for the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). It is one of the antidepressants...

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a mix of mindfulness meditation and simple yoga poses. It has been proven to help people reduce...

In the first study of its kind in this specific patient population, researchers from Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health found...

If you suffer from an anxiety disorder, no matter how severe it is, you know the detrimental effects it can have on your mental state.


Our bodies cannot function without the mineral magnesium, and that includes the proper working of neurons and neurotransmitters in the brain....

One way to help ourselves manage discomfort, whether chronic pain or anxiety, is to think about it in specific terms.

Words such as pain...

Medications are an important tool for people dealing with anxiety, but most experts agree that they are best used as a short-term solution for...

People with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) may experience heightened levels of anger, and this emotion can worsen symptoms associated with the...

Omega-3 fatty acids are thought to have a number of potential health benefits, from possible anti-cancer effects to improved cardiovascular health...

Everyone is so busy these days with the demands of work, parenting, and life's everyday tasks. But you can get through the day with less stress,...

Stressed? Perhaps you don't have enough salt in your diet. In a new study, researchers at the University of Cincinnati found that elevated sodium...

The precise causes of hoarding are unknown, but it appears that both genetics and environmental factors play a role. Because hoarding behaviors...

Sometimes an anxiety attack can strike in a less than a comfortable place, such as the office. When dealing with stress and anxiety while at work...

According to Oliver Robinson and colleagues at the University of Greenwich in London, young adults between the ages of 25 and 35 are vulnerable to...

Should I try an herbal remedy for anxiety?

People are interested in herbal remedies for anxiety for a variety of reasons--some of the...

When you consider common symptoms of anxiety, such as a pounding heart, sweating, and dizziness or lightheadedness, it seems obvious that anxiety...

There is no one cause for anxiety but several factors that contribute to its development. Scientists have broken them down into three parts: brain...

One problem that anxiety can cause is head pressure. It is not a symptom discussed as often as some others, maybe because not everyone who...

The essential amino acid tryptophan is the precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate a number of important brain functions....

As anyone who has experienced one knows, anxiety attacks are very frightening episodes of intense fear or panic. In addition to the severe...

It’s pleasant to think that daydreaming, the time we spend musing or fantasizing while we are awake, makes us happier people. Then researchers...

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter in the brain plays a role in mood and anxiety disorders. The most common antidepressants, selective serotonin...

The expression "worried sick" caught on for a reason--it is not uncommon for anxiety to produce nausea as a symptom. Severe anxiety or fear cause...

There are significant differences between men and women when it comes to the frequency of certain anxiety and mood disorders. For example, women...

Anxiety disorders are complex, influenced by a number of chemical, behavioral, and situational factors. There are several neurotransmitters in the...